Create OFTTC Tax Credit Application
Please Note:
Applications will only enter the queue to be reviewed on a first come, first served basis once all required information and documentation has been entered and uploaded.
All Ontario Creates tax credit applications must be submitted via our Online Application Portal and all requested documents must be uploaded through the Ontario Creates portal.
A red Asterisk * beside a field in the application form, or beside checklist items for requested documents indicates that those items are mandatory and must be completed or those specific documents must be attached in order to proceed with the application.
Create an OFTTC Tax Credit Application:
Click on the link.
The Applications
page will display as shown below.
Using the radio check boxes under the Select your desired Company
and click . The following page will display.
Under the Select
column, select OFTTC and
click .
The Disclaimer page will display.
Check the "I have read and accepted the terms and conditions for the above disclaimer" radio box and click
The Manage Users Permission page will display.
Using the Application
check boxes, select the User Permission
and click . The Review
Details page will display as shown below to ensure the information
you have entered is correct.
Click .
Filling out the General, Production Details, Production, Post Production and Distribution, Producers and Key Creative Personnel, Calculation of OFTTC Estimate, Administration Fee and Supporting Documents Sections:
Filling out the General section:
Fill in all the applicable information as shown below.
Add a Row:
To add a row under the
Previous Title(s) of Production Section,
click the button. Additional fields will display. To remove
a row, simply click the Remove
To use the Calendar
function, click on the icon. The calendar will display as
shown below.
Click the right or left arrow keys shown above to scroll through the months or click directly on a day to populate that day.
Note: You may click the Save Application button as often as you need.
After you have filled in a section on ANY
Tax Credit Form, click the button to ensure you have filled
that portion of the form out correctly. If the validation is okay, the
header will change to green.
Note: By clicking on the Validate Section button the section will NOT be saved but only validated the content is correctly/incorrectly filled in.
If you are unclear about a certain field, click the icon, this will take you to the specific section of the Online
Help File where a definition for that field will display.
Definitions for the General Section:
Production Title - Enter the name of the production.
Is this production a television series? - A television series consists of two or more episodes.
Previous Title(s) of Production - Please list any previous working title(s) for this production.
Applicant Organization/Qualifying Corporation - This is the corporation’s legal name as entered in the Corporate Profile. If you would like to make changes to this field, please return to the Corporate Profile.
Are you applying for: If the production is complete and has final costs select Certificate of Eligibility AND Letter of Confirmation. If the production is not at this stage then select Certificate of Eligibility.
Taxation Year End - Enter the date of your company’s first taxation year end after the start of principal photography (PP) for the production. If you have not filed a corporate tax return yet, please enter the anticipated date of the first year end after PP. Please note the deadlines for application are calculated based on the taxation year end of the production company. The onus is on the production company to inform Ontario Creates of any change in, or final determination of, the taxation year end at the time such change in, or determination of, the taxation year end occurs. Ontario Creates will not be responsible for any failure of the production company to comply with this requirement. Please be aware that an incorrect taxation year end may adversely affect the calculation of these deadlines for the production company.
Corporation Number - This is the number on the Articles of Incorporation.
Federal Business Number - This is the nine digit account number that CRA assigned to the applicant corporation.
Incorporated In - This is the jurisdiction where the company is incorporated.
Corporate Group or Parent Company - If the applicant corporation is controlled or owned by a corporate group or parent company, enter the name here.
Have you filed a CRA Waiver? - CRA Waiver in Respect of the Normal Reassessment Period (CRA Form T2029) The applications for both a Certificate of Eligibility and a Letter of Confirmation must be submitted to the Ontario Creates no later than 24 months from the production company’s first taxation year end following the commencement of principal photography. If this application deadline cannot be met, it may be extended to 42 months from the first taxation year end date where the production company has filed a valid Waiver in Respect of the Normal Reassessment Period with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA Form T2029 is available here).
Are you applying for any of the COVID-19 temporary extensions?
In order to help productions impacted by COVID-19 maintain eligibility for the OFTTC, the Province has temporarily:
a) Extended the timeline to apply for a Letter of Confirmation (LOC);
b) Extended the timeline to have the production shown in Ontario; and
c) Extended the time to claim expenditures incurred prior to principal photography (PP). Note PP includes key animation.
The temporary extensions and applicable criteria are summarized in this table:
New Temporary Rule Criteria to Qualify for the Extension CRA Waiver and Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement Requirements Extend the deadline to apply for a Letter of Confirmation (“LOC”) from within 24 months to within 48 months of the year end in which principal photography (“PP”) begins; companies will continue to have the option to extend this 48-month deadline by an additional 18 months, for a total of 66 months.
a) The production incurred an Ontario labour expenditure on or before March 15, 2020.
b) The corporation did not apply for an LOC on or before March 15, 2020.
• To extend the deadline by the additional 24 months, companies must file a valid, completed waiver with the CRA for the 1st and 2nd taxation years ending after PP began; and
• Include a completed Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement for these taxation years with their application for a Certificate of Eligibility (or with their application for an LOC if the Certificate of Eligibility has already been issued).
Companies can extend this 48-month deadline by an additional 18 months by also filing valid waivers with the CRA for the 3rd and 4th taxation years ending after PP began and including a completed Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement for these years with their application for a Certificate of Eligibility (or with their application for an LOC if the Certificate of Eligibility has already been issued).
Extend the period to have the production shown in Ontario by an additional 24 months, for a total period of up to four years from the production being complete and commercially exploitable.
a) The production incurred an Ontario labour expenditure on or before March 15, 2020.
b) The corporation did not apply for an LOC on or before March 15, 2020.
• Include the agreement to have the production shown in Ontario within four years of its completion with their application for a Certificate of Eligibility (or with their application for an LOC if the Certificate of Eligibility has already been issued).
No CRA waivers are required in this case, but companies must indicate that they are applying for this extension by completing the Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement.
Extend the period to claim eligible expenditures by an additional 24 months, allowing for a claim period of up to 48 months before PP begins.
a) The production commenced principal photography or key animation after March 15, 2020.
b) The production incurred an Ontario labour expenditure on or before March 15, 2020.
c) The corporation did not apply for an LOC on or before March 15, 2020.
• File a valid, completed waiver with the CRA for each taxation year prior to PP in which the company claims an OFTTC for the production; and
• Include a completed Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement for these taxation years with their application for a Certificate of Eligibility (or with their application for an LOC if the Certificate of Eligibility has already been issued).
Alternatively, a production can claim eligible expenditures incurred prior to the year in which PP began in the tax credit claim for the year that PP began.
No CRA waiver is required in this case, but companies must indicate that they are applying for this extension when completing the Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement.
Are you applying as an Agent? - An agent applies for a tax credit on behalf of the applicant corporation with the applicant’s consent.
Contact - Please select the primary contact from the dropdown list. To add another name, please have the application administrator grant the appropriate permission.
Title - This is the contact’s title. It can be changed in the User Profile.
Email - This is the contact’s email. It can be changed in the User Profile.
Telephone - This is the contact’s telephone number. It can be changed in the User Profile.
Cycle - Select the season number from the dropdown menu. Enter the episode numbers for the season.
Indicate the number of Ontario Full-Time Equivalent (FTE) positions that were created and/or retained on the production - The provincial government has requested that Ontario Creates collect this data to understand the impact of support to these sectors.
An FTE is defined as a work week of approximately 35-40 weeks over the life of the project. For example:
If an individual was engaged on the project for about 20 hours a week, they would be considered 0.5 (or half) an FTE.
Filling the Production Details Section:
Fill in all the applicable information as shown below.
Definitions for the Production Details Section:
Is the production an international treaty co-production? - An international treaty co-production is a film or television production that is jointly produced between a Canadian-controlled production company and a foreign coproduction company in accordance with an audiovisual coproduction treaty between the partnering countries. Treaty co-productions are administered by Telefilm Canada on behalf of the Department of Canadian Heritage.
Is the production an inter-provincial co-production?
An “inter-provincial co-production” is a film or television production that is jointly produced in accordance with a co-production agreement between one or more Ontario production companies and one or more companies based in another province. All of the companies must be Canadian controlled and there must be an individual Ontario producer and a producer who is resident in the other provincial jurisdiction who perform producer functions on behalf of each of the coproducing companies. Each of the parties must exercise full responsibility, authority and control over their side of the co-production. The Ontario co-producer’s costs must be a minimum of 20% of the total production costs.
The requirements that 85% of the shooting/key animation take place in Ontario and that 95% of the cost of post-production be carried out in Ontario are waived for co-productions. However, the production must still meet all the other OFTTC requirements.
Is the production an Ontario Joint Venture? - This is a production between 2 or more Canadian Ontario-based companies that jointly own the copyright in the production, and where each company incurs production expenses and claims the tax credit. Where these companies incorporate a subsidiary company that is the sole copyright owner of the production, it is not considered an Ontario joint venture.
Are you applying for Regional Bonus?
This refers to an eligible Ontario production,
(a) for which the principal photography in Ontario is done entirely outside the Greater Toronto Area, or
(b) for which the principal photography in Ontario is done in whole or in part outside a film studio, but only if,
(i) the number of Toronto location days for the production does not exceed 15 per cent of the total number of location days in respect of the production, and
(ii) the number of location days for the production is at least five or, in the case of a production that is a television series, is at least equal to the number of episodes in the production, or
(c) for which principal photography in Ontario consists entirely of animation, but only if no more than 15 per cent of the principal photography in Ontario is done in the GTA.
Are you applying for the 1st Time Producer Bonus?
A production is eligible for the bonus if,
(a) the production is an eligible Ontario production;
(b) the producer of the Ontario portion of the production has not more than one previous screen credit as a producer of a production commercially released, or broadcast on television during prime time, and has not participated as a producer of any other eligible Ontario production in respect of which a certificate has been issued under section 43.5 of the Act; and
(c) for the period starting immediately before the commencement of principal photography for the production and ending immediately after the date of issue of the last issued certificate for the production under subsection 43.5 (9) of the Act, the qualifying production company is not controlled directly or indirectly by,
(i) an individual with more than one previous screen credit as a producer of a production commercially released, or broadcast on television during prime time, or who has participated as a producer of any other eligible Ontario production in respect of which a certificate has been issued under section 43.5 of the Act, or
(ii) corporation that is, or is associated with, a qualifying production company to whom a certificate in respect of any other film or television production has been issued under section 43.5 of the Act.
That is the time at which a qualified corporation that has an interest in the production, or the parent of the corporation, first makes an expenditure for salary wages or other remuneration for activities, of scriptwriters, that are directly attributable to the development by the corporation of script material* of the production.
* “script material” of a production is written material describing the story on which the production is based and, for greater certainty, includes a draft script, original story, screen story, narration, television production concept, outline, or scene-by-scene schematic, synopsis or treatment
That is the time at which the corporation or the parent of the corporation acquires a property, on which the production is based, that is a published literary work, screenplay, play, personal history or all or part of the script material* of the production.
* “script material” of a production is written material describing the story on which the production is based and, for greater certainty, includes a draft script, original story, screen story, narration, television production concept, outline, or scene-by-scene schematic, synopsis or treatment
1st day of principal photography/key animation -
Production Commencement Time (PCT) Date:
Is the earlier of:
(a) Commencement of principal photography or
(b) The latest of:
I. 1st script labour expenditure,
II. date of rights acquisition or
III. 2 years before the commencement of principal photography.
Production Commencement Time (PCT) date is the earliest date from which labour expenditures may be claimed.
*Note: If the production qualifies for the COVID-19 extension to the production commencement time, the period to claim eligible expenditures may be extended by an additional 24 months, allowing for a claim period of up to 4 years before principal photography or key animation began. To qualify for this extension, the production must have: a) commenced principal photography or key animation after March 15, 2020; b) incurred an Ontario labour expenditure on or before March 15, 2020; and c) must not have applied for a Letter of Confirmation (“LOC”) on or before March 15, 2020. A production that applied for an LOC on or before March 15, 2020 and later withdrew the application, is considered to have applied for the LOC on or before that date. The production company must indicate that they are applying for this extension when completing the Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement.
Last day of principal photography/key animation - If the production is a television series, enter the date for the last episode.
Completion Date - The date that the production is completed and commercially exploitable. Enter the completion date of the last episode in the case of a television series.
Estimated Last Day of Eligible Labour
Total Ontario Production Costs - This is the Ontario Producer’s costs (both Ontario and non-Ontario expenditures).
Non-Ontario Costs (paid by the Ontario Producer) - This is the total of all production costs paid or payable by the applicant company to non-Ontario residents and to facilities and suppliers located and providing services outside Ontario. Note that non-Ontario costs are not necessarily the same as non-Canadian costs for purposes of the CPTC. Per diems and hotel costs for Ontario residents performing services outside of Ontario are considered non-Ontario costs. See the What are non-Ontario Costs? FAQ for further details.
% of non-Ontario costs - This is the percentage of non-Ontario costs in relation to the total production costs, or in the case of a co-production, it is the percentage of non-Ontario costs in relation to the total Ontario Producer's costs.
Production Financing - Include all sources and amounts used in the financing of the production, including provincial and federal tax credits. The total financing must be equal to or greater than the indicated Ontario Production costs. For interprovincial co-productions the total financing must be equal to or greater than the indicated Total Canadian costs.
Product Format
Filling out the Production, Post-production and Distribution section:
Fill in all the applicable information as shown below.
Add a Row:
To add a row under Production, click the button. Additional fields will display. To remove a row,
simply click the Remove
Definitions for the Production, Post-production and Distribution section:
Number of shooting /key animation day(s) in Ontario
Number of shooting /key animation day(s) outside Ontario
PercentagePercentage of stock footage, by running time (%)
Cost of post-production work rendered outside of Ontario includes the cost of work by Ontario and non-Ontario residents for services performed outside of Ontario.
Date of anticipated/actual Ontario release or broadcast
Is this a television production or a straight-to-video/theatrical feature film production?
Filling out the Producers and Key creative personnel section:
Fill in all the applicable information as shown below.
Add a Row:
To add a row, click the
button. Additional fields will display. To remove a row,
simply click the Remove
Definitions for the Producers and Key Creative Personnel section:
Are you submitting a CAVCO part B certificate?
Controlling Producer is the individual(s):
(a) who controls and is the central decision maker in respect of the production,
(b) who is directly responsible for the acquisition of the production story or screenplay and the development, creative and financial control and exploitation of the production, and
(c) who is identified in the production as being the producer of the production;
Other Producer(s) related to the production - Please list all other producers not listed in the above field and submit the agreements which outline their duties and responsibilities on the production. Agreements are not required for line producers and associate producers.
Locations Where Functions Performed - Points are allotted if location is Canada.
Person/Location Where Function Performed - Points are allotted if individual is Canadian and camera operation is done in Canada.
Filling out the Calculation of OFTTC Estimate:
Fill in all the applicable information as shown below.
Add a Row:
To add a row, click the
button. Additional fields will display. To remove a row,
simply click the Remove
Definitions for the Calculation of OFTTC Estimate:
Estimate of Total Paid Ontario labour expenditure
This is the total of the following amounts to the extent that they are reasonable in the circumstances and included in the cost to, or in the case of depreciable property the capital cost to, the corporation, or any other person or partnership, of the production:
(a) the salary or wages directly attributable to the production that are incurred by the corporation for the stages of production of the property, from the production commencement time to the end of the post-production stage, and paid by it in the taxation year or within 60 days after the end of the taxation year (other than amounts incurred in that preceding taxation year that were paid within 60 days after the end of that preceding taxation year),
(b) that portion of the remuneration (other than salary or wages and other than remuneration that relates to services rendered in the preceding taxation year and that was paid within 60 days after the end of that preceding taxation year) that is directly attributable to the production of property, that relates to services rendered to the corporation for the stages of production , from the production commencement time to the end of the post-production stage, and that is paid by it in the taxation year or within 60 days after the end of the taxation year.
Labour Deferrals - These are costs where the payment is dependent on the occurrence of a possible future event, such as revenue from the exploitation of the production. Labour deferrals are a contingent liability for the production company and do not qualify as eligible labour on which the tax credit is based.
Section A part A
Section A part B
Section B part D
Section B part E
Less: * “Assistance” in Respect of the Production Costs in Proportion for Labour - Assistance includes any grants or forgivable loans from a public or private source.
Less: *Assistance Directly in Respect of Labour - This refers to Assistance expressly directed to labour expenditures.
Administration Fee:
Definitions for the Administration Fee:
Administration Fee (F * 0.15%)- Calculated as 0. 15% of the estimate of total paid Ontario labour expenditures, minimum of$500.00 and maximum of $10,000.00 per application. Applies to the Ontario side of the production budget in the case of co-productions.
Adjusted Administration Fee - The Administration Fee is non-refundable.
Definitions for Supporting Documents:
Administration fee - Calculated as 0. 15% of the qualifying labour expenditures, with a minimum of $500.00 and maximum of $10,000.00 per application. Applies to the Ontario side of the production budget in the case of co-productions.
Note that there are additional fees of:
- $100 for Amended Certificates, and
- $100 for applications that are submitted more than 24 months from the company’s relevant year-end
Applicant Declaration - The Declaration must be signed by an officer and/or director of the corporation.
Ontario Creates Waiver Declaration & Statement of Intent to Claim COVID-19 Extensions (“Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement”) – The form must be signed by an officer and/or director of the corporation.
The applications for both a Certificate of Eligibility and a Letter of Confirmation must be submitted to Ontario Creates no later than 24 months from the production company’s first taxation year end following the commencement of principal photography. If this application deadline cannot be met, it may be extended by 18 months, for a total of 42 months from the first taxation year end date following the commencement of principal photography, as long as the application is accompanied by a completed Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement attesting that: (1) a Waiver in Respect of the Normal Reassessment Period (CRA Form T2029) has been filed with the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) within the normal reassessment period for the first taxation year end following the commencement of principal photography (and second year, if applicable); or (2) the first taxation year end following commencement of principal photography (and second year, if applicable) has not yet been assessed by the CRA. If the corporation’s income tax return(s) for the relevant taxation year(s) have not yet been assessed, a valid form T2029 Waiver cannot be filed with the CRA for those years. However, you may still extend the application deadline by 18 months by filing a completed Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement form.
Qualifying productions which were delayed due to COVID-19, may apply for an extension to the 24 month deadline to submit an application for a Certificate of Eligibility, or a Letter of Confirmation, if the Certificate of Eligibility was previously issued, of an additional 24 months, for a total of 48 months from the corporation’s first taxation year end following the commencement of principal photography. Companies will still have the option of extending the 48 month application deadline by an additional period of 18 months, for a total of 66 months from their first taxation year end following the commencement of principal photography. The Certificate of Eligibility and/or the Letter of Confirmation would then have to be issued no later than 6 months later, or 72 months following the corporation’s first taxation year end following the commencement of principal photography.
In order to obtain the 48 months application deadline, you must file a valid Waiver in Respect of the Normal Reassessment Period with the CRA for the first and second taxation years ending after principal photography began. You must also include a completed Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement form for those years with your application for a Certificate of Eligibility, or with your application for a Letter of Confirmation, if the Certificate of Eligibility was previously issued. To extend the 48 months application deadline by an additional 18 months, resulting in an application deadline of 66 months, the corporation must also file valid waivers with the CRA for the third and fourth taxation years ending after principal photography began. A completed Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement for those years must also be included with your application for a Certificate of Eligibility, or with your application for a Letter of Confirmation, if the Certificate of Eligibility was previously issued. If the corporation’s income tax returns for the relevant taxation years have not yet been assessed, a valid waiver cannot be filed with the CRA for those years. However, you may still extend the application deadline by filing a completed Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement form.
If you are applying for any of the COVID temporary extensions, you must complete page 2 of the Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement form.
Waiver in Respect of the Normal Reassessment Period (CRA Form T2029)
If applying for a Certificate of Eligibility and/or Letter of Confirmation after the 24-month deadline but before the 42-month deadline, the production company must file with the CRA a waiver, described in subparagraph 152(4)(a)(ii) of the Income Tax Act, within the normal reassessment period for the corporation (i.e. three years from the date of the Notice of Assessment; four years in the case of a public company) for the first (and second, if applicable) fiscal year end following commencement of principal photography. The Waiver in Respect of the Normal Reassessment Period (CRA Form T2029 is available here). The completed Waiver should be sent to your local CRA Tax Services Office.
Certificate and Articles of Incorporation for the applicant production company - Please submit all pages of the Incorporation documents for the applicant, and (if applicable) parent company or any corporate shareholders.
Note: Incorporation documents for interprovincial coproduction partner(s) must also be submitted.
Corporate Schedule - Please complete and sign the Corporate Schedule for the applicant company with all the information requested on the form, including names and citizenship of shareholder(s) with percentage of voting shares held for applicant corporation and any corporate shareholders (if applicable); and names and citizenship of the officers and directors of the applicant corporation.
Interprovincial co-productions: Please complete and sign the corporate schedule for the coproduction partner and any corporate shareholders.
Signed Producer Residency Declaration forms for all producers - Includes co-producers, executive producers and other producers who meet the definition noted above. This only applies to the Ontario producers in an interprovincial or treaty coproduction.
Agreements for all other related producers outlining their responsibilities on the production (not required for line producers and associate producers) This does not apply to the producers from the other province in an interprovincial co-production.
Completed CAVCO Application - Please submit a completed copy of the CAVCO A or B application (whichever is most current), as confirmed by the “submission date” on the front page of the application).
Note: Required if there are courtesy credits for non-Canadian producer-related personnel.
If the request for the courtesy credit(s) was not included in the CAVCO application, written confirmation from CAVCO that they have approved the credit for the individual(s) in question must be provided.
CAVCO Personnel Number for all producer and producer-related personnel (including production manager) and key creatives claimed for Canadian content points
Chain of Title Documentation -
Includes any legal opinion, option/acquisition agreements, assignment agreements or writer’s agreement(s), if applicable. In the case of a series, a sample writer’s agreement, etc may be submitted. Writer’s agreements for every episode are not required.
NOTE: Chain of title documentation is not required for international treaty co-productions.
Synopsis - Provide a brief description of the storyline
Production Schedule - Include the start and end dates of pre-production, shooting or animation days (with location of shooting or animation) and post-production.
Cast and Crew Lists (with residency addresses)
Locked production budget in Telefilm (or similar) format - In addition:
Treaty co-productions: Submit breakdown of costs between the co-producing partners.
Interprovincial co-productions: Submit co-production partner’s budget.
Schedule of Ontario labour costs: projected amounts based on the locked production budget if production is NOT complete. - To expedite the review of the file, please use the Labour Expenditures spreadsheet available on the OFTTC webpage.
Schedule of non-Ontario costs: projected amounts based on the locked production budget if production is NOT complete - To expedite the review of the file, please use the Labour Expenditures spreadsheet available on the OFTTC webpage.
Financing and Exploitation Agreements - Provide signed agreements for all sources of financing and any distribution and broadcast license agreements.
Agreement with a CRTC-licensed broadcaster which guarantees that the Production will be shown in Ontario between 7pm and 11pm within two years of completion. *- Children’s programming is not required to be broadcast between 7 and 11pm.
If this is not stipulated in the broadcast licence agreement please submit a letter from the broadcaster stating their intention to broadcast the production between 7pm and 11pm within two years of completion.
Agreement with an Ontario-based Canadian distributor which guarantees that the Production will be released in Ontario within two years of completion.*
*Note:Qualifying productions may extend the two year window to meet the shown in Ontario requirement by an additional 24 months, which would allow for the requirement to be satisfied within four years from the production’s completion. This extension is available to productions which incurred an Ontario labour expenditure on or before March 15, 2020, and which had not applied for a Letter of Confirmation on or before March 15, 2020. A production that applied for a Letter of Confirmation on or before March 15, 2020, and later withdrew that application, will still be considered to have applied for a Letter of Confirmation on or before March 15, 2020. A CRA waiver is not required for this extension. However, the production company must indicate that they are applying for this extension when completing the Ontario Creates Waiver & COVID Statement.
Telefilm Canada’s Preliminary Recommendation - This applies to international treaty co-productions.
Signed Co-Production Agreement - This applies to international treaty co-productions.
Signed Co-Production Agreement - This applies to inter-provincial co-productions.
Regional Bonus documentation: Provide a summary of all shooting/animation days with dates and locations and supporting documentation such as daily production reports (DPRs) - Call sheets will only be accepted if DPRs were not created. Animated productions must provide a detailed animation schedule and agreement with the animation facility. Supporting documentation is required if you are applying as a regional Ontario production.
Copy of the Producer’s current Curriculum Vitae including credits for each producer on the production - CV should include all previous screen credits for productions (with production year and job title) that the individual has been associated with.
1st Time Producer Declaration
for each producer on the production -Copy of the completed production in digital format (either in a playable file format or a downloadable link), if available. A copy of the production is required with the Letter of Confirmation application. For television series, please submit the last episode only.
NOTE:The upload size limit is 35MB on the OAP. If larger, please submit a file sharing link.
Final Production Schedule - Include the start and end dates of pre-production, shooting or animation days (with location of shooting or animation) and post-production.
Final On-Camera Credit List - Please include the complete head and tail credits as they appear on screen. If the production is a television series, submit the head and tail credits for every episode.
Final Location and % of Post Production that is Non-Ontario
Final Statement of production costs - as per CAVCO’s audit guidelines (Audited Statement of costs for productions with a final cost of $500,000 or more, if applicable.
Final Schedule of Ontario labour costs - Please submit final labour amounts based on the final cost report if the production is complete.To expedite Ontario Creates’ review, please use the Eligible Labour and Other Expenditures spreadsheet (link provided in the supporting documents section).
Final Schedule of non-Ontario costs - Please submit final ACTUAL numbers based on the final Statement of Production costs. To expedite Ontario Creates’ review, please use the Eligible Labour and Other Expenditures spreadsheet (link provided in the supporting documents section).
Final Cost Report - Must be the detailed cost report upon which the audited statement of production costs was based, if applicable.
In addition:
International treaty coproductions: Submit breakdown of final costs between the coproduction partners
Interprovincial coproductions: Submit coproduction partner’s final cost report
Telefilm Final Recommendation - for International Treaty Co-Productions.
CAVCO Part B Certificate - – for International Treaty Co-Productions
Once you have completed all sections of the Tax
Credit Application, click the button to submit
your application to Ontario Creates.